Deposits Reconciliation


The Deposits Reconciliation function allows the user to check and reconcile deposits have not been allocated to outstanding invoices. 

For instance: 

  • Where deposit payment is made before proceeding with treatment, 

    • Then the treatment is completed,

      • And an invoice is created,

        • However, the deposit has not been allocated to the outstanding invoice

Deposit Reconciliation is found in:

  1. Receipt page

    1. Click the navigation menu > Patients > Receipts page
    2. View menu > Deposits Reconciliation
  2. Dedicated Deposits page

    1. Click the navigation menu > Management > Deposits

Deposit Reconciliation - Payment Allocation

To check and allocate deposits to outstanding accounts:

  1. Select the Payment Allocation tab

    1. Invoice Location: Select 1 location at a time

    2. Deposit Type: They payment method

    3. Responsible Party: Find all associated to the family, Third Party or Insurance

    4. The next field name changes depending on previous selection

      1. Keep blank if a general list of any Patients, any Third Party, any Insurance, any Guardian is required or make selection if the allocation required to a specific responsible party name

    5. Click RETRIEVE

      1. The rows of names retrieved will appear where deposits exists for above criteria that have yet to be applied to outstanding invoices

    6. Click APPLY for invoices where you wish to apply the deposit
      1. The invoice selected is removed from the list if the deposit is equal to or greater than the outstanding balance

    7. Click PRINT for a printout of list

    8. Click APPLY ALL to apply the deposit to all in the list in bulk

    9. Click EXIT to close Deposit Reconciliation

Deposit Reconciliation - Allocation History

To view a history of allocated deposits (only those done in Payment Allocation) 

  1. Select the Allocation History tab
    1. Patient: Select View ALL or current Patient/Family (only available if in the receipts page)
    2. Period: Select a date range period or
    3. From/To: Select custom dates
    4. Operations menu > Print for a printout of list




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